Last updated 06/27/24​


Remote Pilots License with a UAS rating

Elevate employs CFR Part 107 Licensed Remote Pilots with a sUAS rating. This is required by the FAA for any commercial UAS operations. By only employing Licensed pilots we are able to provide our clients with a safe, accountable, and legal way to collect the imagery or data that they need.

UAS liability insurance

We are insured with UAS liability insurance that covers the risk of a UAS accident. UAV and drone liability insurance policies cover any damage to people or property that could be caused by your drone.

Weather Safety

Weather conditions are ever-changing and can have a direct impact on the ability to fly and the duration of those flights. We will work with you to the best of our abilities to find a day or time frame that will allow for safe operations. Our licensed Remote Pilot in Command (PIC) is responsible for assessing the weather conditions on location and will decide if it is safe or not to fly. If our pilots are not comfortable we will remain on the ground, and not risk damage or injury. Safety is our top priority. Elevate reserves the right to cancel flights at any time due to weather-related issues.

Flight Restriction Safety

Flight restrictions and temporary flight restrictions are off-limits unless the party responsible has written permission. Up to 90 days could be required to work out all of the logistics of an operation in controlled airspace so please contact us as early as possible to begin the process. Restricted airspace may include but is not limited to, sporting events, presidential travel, VIP personnel, power plants, correctional institutions, schools, airports, helipads, military bases, national parks, wildfires, disaster sites, etc.

Airspace Safety

There is a significant amount of airspace that is controlled by Airports, or the Military, and there are also numerous areas that are restricted airspace. We work in connection with any controlled airspace to obtain permission and clearance before the flight. It is up to Air Traffic Control (ATC) to grant permission for flights conducted in their controlled area. If ATC does not grant permission to Elevate, flight in their airspace is not an option. The goal of Elevate and the FAA is to maintain safe airspace for both manned and unmanned aircraft. We will not fly without permission as it is needed for the safety and liability of everyone involved. 

Environment Safety

We attempt to become as familiar with a location prior to any scheduled flights. This requires an address or point of reference to locate by digital maps to get a general idea of what permanent obstructions or hazards may be in our operating area. Similar to weather conditions, when our Remote Pilot in Command (PIC) arrives on the location they will assess any nearby obstacles and determines if it is safe to fly. Elevate reserves the right to cancel flights at any time due to unsafe flying conditions created by nearby obstacles or persons.



What areas do you service?

We are located in Western Wisconsin and service Wisconsin, Eastern Minnesota, and Northern Iowa. We are capable and willing to travel to any location to meet our client's needs.

What is a UAS?

A UAS stands for Unmanned Aerial System. This is the term that the FAA has given remote-controlled airplanes and drones. 

What about safety?

Safety is our most important concern. Our pilots are FAA certified and licensed and are dedicated to following local, state, and national laws. Our Pilots also utilize the full support system of visual observers and flight operators as each project requires.

How far can you fly?

Our flight distance is limited by the visual light of sight of the Pilot in Command (PIC) or a visual observer within radio contact. Our flight ceiling is also restricted to 400ft. above ground level. Requests to exceed these restrictions can be made but are not a guarantee.​

What if something goes wrong?

Our Pilots have been trained to analyze situations and pass good judgment on whether or not a mission is safe to fly. If however there is an issue mid-flight the PIC will stop all flights immediately and assess the situation. Safety is our top priority when we are on a flight operation.